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Product Reviews

Product: Clearlight - Impressionist Symphony
Date: 2014-06-16 

Impressionist Symphony

CLEARLIGHT. Under this name hides a passionate man. Cyrille VERDEAUX a real conductor endowed with an obvious talent for lyrical compositions, symphony, the very rich discography
For this eighth album that interests us, Cyrille VERDEAUX uses his cronies start well known in the world of Progressive Rock ...
Listen to this new album is like opening the door to a world where artistic paths guide us to meet the great impressionist painters ... but where it lacks Cézanne ... The Painters who imagine trying to paint a garden of Eden then they have their own feet in the weed. Cyrille VERDEAUX depicting the personalities of these beings bruised and wounded by life, a world that was not really for them, and they were so often misunderstood. He tries, in its own way to honor them. It focuses on their personality or what characterizes more than the work itself ... The painter "chiaroscuro" where the light seems to shine musical compositions, but the effects are sometimes non-existent. 

Cyrille VERDEAUX failed to take advantage of the wonderful richness of this concept. Indeed, these painters, avant-garde in their time, ultimately remain misunderstood ... The music should be "Star Wars", "Matrix", "Terminator". Here we are in a retrospective of films of the 60s, such as Love Story or "Just as the wind carries it" ... The music is enclosed in a conventional classicism, baroque or romantic, while the mind and works of these painters were aware of their time against. He left worn by the era that prevailed at that time, by the conventions without much tub, then it would be bold as those painters who were able to venture in their time. 

However, canvas, palette, brushes, brushes, tubes of gouache and sometimes the bridge into place.
Musical instruments used properly, thanks to outstanding musicians, who bring this music an allegorical dimension, artistic, and generous . Strong beautiful passages ... especially with this piece "Too Loose Lautrec" surprisingly bright, colored jazzy flights, rock.
They want us to "let" believe that all is calm, lust and pleasure, a hot musical serenity, while these Beings were misunderstood living in the disease, and often precarious. Beings sometimes anarchists and freethinkers. Therefore, we do not find this deeply mind. short, a kind of amateur agreed, this album is for you, and then go your way. But Cyril VERDEAUX nevertheless deserves a little more respect for his long discography, which itself has surprised us with great albums at a time when we are interested in the music itself was so often little or no tender at fair value ... Everyone can make his choice, drowning in a "Verdeaux" or a "glass of wine" matter of taste.

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